Artists are able to make wonderful things with just paper and cutting materials. It’s amazing how the creativity of a person can change how someone views a single material, paper.
Paper craft has been around for centuries, be it kindergarten art class or Chinese new year paper craft.
1. Cranes
In Japan traditionally, folding a 1000 cranes can grant you a wish from the gods. With these type of cranes, the gods would surely be impressed.
2.Paper CutCutting paper into an intricate art work has been in this world for ages, as time passed, innovative ideas and artists has come into light like Maude White.
3. Mache
Paper Mache is messy but the outcome is as gorgeous as the messiness. The art of paper mache is simply using strips of paper dipped in glue to be applied to a mould. Once dried is added colour and patterns.
4. Paper Quilling
Paper Quilling has turned paper into intricate sculptures. Both colourful and aesthetically pleasing, Sean Runa, has mastered the art of quilling.
Editor: Su Su Rati